Sales List
Parker Goldcup P14s (o/hauled)
Parker Goldcup P11s (refurbed/tested)
Kawasaki K3VL112 (new/old stock)
Kawasaki K3VL 200/112 train (o/hauled)
Hagglunds Viking, 44 series, 9 ltr (new/old stock)
2x 5 tine clamshell grabs (currently undergoing full overhaul - pins/bushings/tine points)
HPUs (requiring rework/overhaul)
576Kw (twin 276Kw) skid based elec HPU,2x Kawasaki 200/112 trains, coolers, offline filtration, stainless tank.
80Kw Iveco 6 cyl (non turbo), Denison worldcup pump, air blast cooler (good frame/hyd tank/diesel tanks).
110Kw Iveco 6 cyl turbo, Dension worldcup pump, air blast cooler (good frame/hyd tank/diesel tanks).
130Kw Iveco 6 cyl turbo, no pump fitted, air blast cooler (good frame/hyd tank/diesel tanks).
180Kw Cummins 6 cyl, twin Linde vairable pumps, splitter gearbox, air blast cooler (good frame/hyd tank/diesel tank
75Kw electric HPU, Linde 140cc variable pump (good frame/starter panel/no tank)
30Kw electric HPU, Rexroth variable pump (good tank/cooler/no frame/DCV) Ex-MOD.
22Kw Elec HPU
HPUs can be sold as seen, or modified to suit your needs.
RLM (Running Line Monitors)
2x 10 ton RLMs
1x 15 ton RLM
Electric Motors
18Kw motor (new old stock)
22Kw Motor (new/old stock)
Air Blast Cooler
440v E602 Air Blast Cooler, refurbished/tested
BX Elevators
Frame 3, 750 ton (used/excellent condition)
For more information on the above equipment for sale email: